How to Schedule a Google Web Story
We have seen great results from Google Web Stories for clients and have also gotten a lot of questions about them. Today, I am showing you how to schedule Google Web Stories!
A few weeks ago, I shared all about Google Web Stories and why I think they’re here to stay. Since then, we’ve tracked a lot of data surrounding stories and have had some really great results from clients using them.
I’ve also noticed a lot of questions swirling around about how to track the analytics for Google Web Stories. After all…we all want more traffic to our sites!
Why Should I Use Google Web Stories?
We have seen people gain 20,000-50,000 new clicks to their site from Google stories! Not to mention, creating Google Web Stories helps your site to rank higher in Google search overall and helps with the SEO of your site.
If you’re looking for another way to grow traffic to your site and build your business, Google Web stories are a great option!
How Do I Create Google Web Stories?
In case you missed it, in this blog post, I shared a tutorial for how to create Google Web Stories on WordPress. They can of course be fairly time consuming to create, so if you watch this tutorial and decide you want someone to manage them for you, I would suggest checking out our Google Web Stories Management page!